Injured In An Accident? 3 Things You Need To Remember

You thought the crosswalk was a safe place to be. That is, until you got hit by a car while you were crossing the street. You might be surprised to find out that roughly 70,000 people were injured in pedestrian accidents in 2010 alone. Now that you're injured, you're going to need medical care, as well as compensation for your losses. Here are three things you need to remember in order to receive the compensation you're entitled to. Read More 

Why Your Attorney Is On Your Side And Your Provider Isn’t

After an accident, your car insurance company may make it possible to get back on the road without such a large hole in your bank account. However, the interests of your insurance provider are not necessarily aligned with your own, and your insurance provider will do whatever they can to lower their cost. This may include finding a way to void your coverage for an action you performed. Your Coverage Might Be Voided Read More 

How To Know If You Should Hire A Personal Injury Attorney

Have you thought about taking legal action after becoming injured in an accident that was caused by someone is? If so, you do not want to do this on your own. You are going to want to make sure that you are hiring a personal injury attorney to help you with your case. Simply take a little time to read through the following points. You will then be able to understand whether hiring a personal injury attorney is in your best interest. Read More 

Proving You Were Not At Fault In An Auto Accident Occurance

If you had just gotten into a fender-bender with another vehicle, and the other driver is blaming you for the incident although you are not the one at fault, you may wish to fight the charges against you. Failing to fight an accident claim may end up costing you money to pay for the other person's vehicle and any medical expenses. Here are some tips to use when fighting an incorrect auto accident claim against you. Read More 

Are Damages And Death Just Part Of The Game Or Can You Sue For A High School Football Injury?

Are high school football athletes being put in danger of injury and death unreasonably? High school players suffer three times as many catastrophic injuries than their college counterparts and death is a real possibility. This indicates that high schools are doing something wrong when it comes to caring for their football players. If your high school student was injured or even killed while on the football field, these are some things to consider. Read More